I wanted to take this opportunity to remind you that we are now two weeks away from the November 8th application deadline to the Sorensen Institute's 2011 Political Leaders Program and Candidate Training Program. Our alumni and supporters are our most effective recruiters of top applicants for Sorensen's programs. If you have a potential applicant in mind for the 2011 January 27-30 Candidate Training Program or the 2011 March to December Political Leaders Program, please let us know by visiting the following link. Anyone can click this link to send us names of potential applicants: http://www.surveymonkey.com/s/ZPNVHY6 As you know, these programs are an incredible opportunity for individuals who are interested in getting more involved in the political process, and I hope that you will share this information with individuals you know who might benefit. I have included a short note below that you can send to anyone who you are encouraging to apply.